About Us and How to contact Us
In 2010, a few local hams got together and decided to make it a monthly gathering. Some are still members, some moved on and some are now silent keys. We continue to grow and serve our local community and beyond.
Who we are
Who we are
MVARC Board of Directors
Ben - KK7CMF
Ben - KK7CMF
Rod - W7YAB
Rod - W7YAB
Vice President
Tyler - KK7FNQ
Tyler - KK7FNQ
Julie - KC7UJN
Julie - KC7UJN
Treasurer and VE Liaison
Miller - AE7YX
Miller - AE7YX
"At Large"
This position title. Backs-up the board so odd # of folks for board votes and helps run meetings if Pres and/or VP can't do it...
How you can contact us
How you can contact us