Meetings & Events

Club Monthly Meeting's 

Our Monthly Club meetings are held on the: 3rd Saturday of every month

At the:

Twisp American Legion building

626 Bridge street, Twisp, WA.

Doors open at: 5:30pm with the club meeting starting at: 6pm.

We invite folks to come early and fellowship.

Not a member yet? even non-members that are looking to check things out for the first time are welcome to join us at meetings....

MVARC has set two exam sessions.

January 29th @ the Twisp Legion building, 11am. 

Feb 5th @ the Winthrop Library, 11am.

RSVP is required by the Monday prior to the exam session you choose- by 6pm. 

 (We won't show up if there are no RSVP's)

If you are currently licensed, you will need to bring a copy of your 

current, valid, signed license. You will not get this back. 

Cost of the exams is $15.00. 

Once you pass the exam, and it is received by the FCC, the FCC will email you for the $35.00 fee they implemented last year. 

If you do not currently have a license, you will need to create an FRN 

(Federal Registration Number) with the FCC: 

We have put the exams on the ARRL web page. It takes a while for them to show up.

If you have any questions, please reach out and also, please, spread the word about the exams. 

